Monday, January 11, 2010

Where are Fiords Found ?

Fiords are long, narrow steep-sided inlets of the sea. They were made by glaciers which deepened the valleys along which they flowed.After the glaciers disappeared,their U - shaped valleys were flooded by the sea to form fiords.

Fiords are found on mountainous coasts which have been eroded by glaciers. The fiords of Norway are famous and are among the longest in the world.Songe Fiord is 183 kilometers long, and its waverage width is 4.75 kilometers. It is 1245 meters deep. Fiords are also found along the coasts of Iceland, Greenland and new Zealand.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where are the biggest Ice Berg Found ?

The iceberg with the biggest area are the tabular icebergs that break away from Antarctica . Te largest iceberg every seen was over 31,000 square kilometers (bigger than Belgium).
The tallest iceberg break away from Greenland .THE TALLEST one ever seen 167 meters above the water. Eight - ninth of the iceberg was below the sea.

Which are the world Biggest expanses of ICE ?

Just over 10 percnet of land surface of the world is permanently coverred by ice . Most of the worlds ice (87 %) is in Antractica.The artic has 12.5 % ( mainly covering Greenland) and the rest is found in the glaciers which exist on every continent.
The longest glacier is the Lambert-Fisher Ice Passage in Antractica, which is 515 kilometers long .Petermanns Glacier in Greenland is the largest glacier in the northen hemisphere, 40, kilometres out to sea.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Where is the Pacific 'Ring of Fire' ?

Seen on a map. the Pacific Ocean appears surrounded by a ring of fiery volcanic activity.There are many active volcanoes, and some of the world's highest are in the Andes and the mountains of Central America .Others are found in the mountains of western USA and Alaska , in the Kamchatka peninsula and in Siberia, Japan,Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.

Where is the largest Active Volcano ?

Active Volcano

The highest , active volcanoes on land are in the Andes , in South America. The highest of these is Ojos del Salada, which is 6885 metres high.But even larger volcanoes rise from the floor of the Pacific Ocean and from the islands of Hawai. Mauna Loa , on Hawaii, is probably largest active volcano in the world .It rises 4170 metres above sea level, but its base is 5180 metres below sea level. This base is roughly oval in shape :119 kilometres long and 85 kilometres across .
The lava from Hawaiian volcanoes is very liquid and flows for long distances.Mauna Lao erupts every 3.5 years. The nearby Kilauea Crater, south - east of the main volcano , is filled with red hot lava.

Where are diamonds and gold found ?

Diamond were formed deep underground in conditions of intense heat and pressure.Artificial diamonds can be made n factories .Pure carbon is baked under gret pressure to over 1400C .NAtural diamonds were probably found under similar conditions.Diamonds are mined in South Africa ,Tanzania ,Siberia,Africa ,India,Indonesia, Brazil,Australia and the former Soviet republics..Gold is found in mineral veins in rocks , or in gravels which have been washed away from areas where gold -bearing rocks have been reoded.Prospectors may pan the gravel in streams for grains of gold.Half of the world's gold is mined in South Africa.

Where is the San Andreas Fault ?

San Andreas Fault
The San Andreas fault is in western California , near the Pacific coast the USA. The San Andreas fault and the Fair-weather fault in Alaska from the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. The pacific Plate is slowly rotating anti - clockwise .West of the San Andreas fault ,the land is moving north-westwards. As a result, land along the fault is moving at five centimeters every year. Sometimes, however, the movement is more dramatic , leading to earthquakes.

Where is the great Rift Valley ?

Map of Great Rift Valley
This is a series of linked rift valleys which stretch for 6500 kilometers from the north of River Jordon, via the Dead Sea and the Red Sea , through Ethiopia and east Africa to the coast near the mouth of Zambezi River.The Great Rift VAlley is between 30 and 60 kilometers wide and has steep scarps on each side for most of its lenght.Elsewhere there are long, narrow deep lakes such as Turkana,Mobutu,Tanganyaika and Malawi in East Africa the route of the Rift Valley splits into two branches.

What kind of soil is Fertile ?

A fertile soil is humus, bacteria and minerals .It also has enough water and a good texture. The rock beneath the soil is important. Permeable rocks, such as sandstone , make the soil light and dry. Very limey (alkaline ) soils are bad for some plants .Broken- down rock fragments provide the minerals which plants need. Climate and natural vegetation are also important. Plants need organic matter, called humus. This contains nutrients plants need for growth.